Trends & Happenings

Workplace Wellness Practices in 2019

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35% of organizations surveyed listed stress-related concerns

Stress at Work Tops The List for Workplace Wellness Investment

What's Trending Now

Thirty-five percent (35%) of organizations surveyed listed stress-related concerns, followed by health cost and disease control (34%) as the top two areas of primary focus over the next 12 months. Achieving good results in these areas were seen as the best investment of wellness resources.

Don't Miss Out

Dig deeper into the top Trends and Happenings in our Well Workplaces by diving into the newest online publication from the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce and Essential Medical Services. Dedicated to the development of Well Workplaces across Jamaica.

What's in the top trends

Wellness Works!

Workplace wellness is alive and growing strongly in Jamaica.  Surveys conducted by Essential Medical Services (EMS) and the Wellness Council of America (Welcoa) between February to March 2019 give confirmation of this meritable positive. However, as it is dominantly practiced, workplace wellness is challenged to deliver optimal outcomes


Wellness Works! says 93% of organizations.
Budgets for workplace wellness had increased or stayed the same for this year. 93%
Caring is important!
for 70% of surveyed organizations. Fostering employees' well-being was shared as a core strategic priority. 70%
Planning challenges!
67% of organizations had no formal plan or documented vision for their workplace wellness goals. 67%


Leading the way!


Scotiabank, the Ministry of Health, Midac Construction, and the National Health Fund have featured happenings in this month’s issue.  Also, see highlights and photos from the recent We thrive at Work workshop and more. 

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Thank you for choosing us to serve you. Our PRO Care Attendants are ready to support you to more efficiently fulfil your health and well-being must-dos, should-dos, and want-to-dos.
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