Privacy and Terms of Condition Page
At Oasis Medical Services we respect your right to privacy and value the trust you have placed in us. We are committed to the responsible management, use and protection of our customers’ personal information.
This Privacy Policy applies to all the information we collect from you through and We Thrive mobile application, or through its mobile applications made available by Oasis Medical services
Consent to Use and We Thrive mobile application and its related Services
By providing personal information to us through and We Thrive mobile application and its related Services you are consenting to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the practices described in this Privacy Notice, please do not provide personal information through and We Thrive mobile application or its related Services. Certain terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined at the end of this Privacy Policy.
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES LTD AND ITS LICENSORS are making this site available to you and your dependents. The full functions of the site, as requested and committed to by your representing or affiliated organization will be available to you as long as your affiliate and or employment status is active. If your affiliate or employment status changes to inactive or terminated by your representing or affiliated organization, this site will no longer be available to you and your dependents in the same capacity.
If you choose to register by completing the registration process and subsequent assessments we will request certain personal information, including, but not limited to, individually identifiable health information (“Protected Health Information”). OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES and ITS LICENSORS will gather the Protected Health Information you voluntarily provide in your profile, and in other interactive features within the site, and may use such Protected Health Information to communicate with you and to personalize your online experience with the site.
Protected Health Information may include sensitive information relating to diseases, psychological or psychiatric treatment, behavioural or mental health services, or high-risk behaviours such as alcohol abuse,etc.. Though all health information you provide as outlined herein will by default be set to private and confidential, unless you elect to share it publicly with others, for the health and wellness support services of the and We Thrive mobile application to be provided, a summary of your provided information is also by default shared with the assigned medical administrators and wellness care moderator of your representing or affiliated organization.
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES AND ITS LICENSORS do not collect, and the site was neither designed nor appropriate for the collection of, Protected Health Information from any person who is legally known to be a minor. All OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES tools are intended for adult use only. A parent or guardian, however, may use the OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES tools to view only certain areas of the tool. The parent or guardian is solely responsible for providing supervision of the minor’s use of the OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES tools. The parent or guardian also assumes full responsibility for the interpretation and use of any information or suggestions provided through OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES for the minor.
By your acceptance, you hereby authorize OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES, AND ITS LICENSORS to, on a periodic basis provide anonymous or non-identifying health information. This included but is not limited to aggregated collected data within the membership of your representing or affiliated organization, through information provided by you and by other authorized representing or affiliated organization users of the and its related services for the purposes of health and wellness services improvement planning and is provided to the administrator within each organization or to our business partners.
Personalized Emails/Messages
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES, ITS LICENSORS, AND ITS SUPPLIERS may send you personalized emails or electronic messages, including news, reminders, and opportunities, pertaining to health conditions related to the Personal Information, including Personal Health Information that you provide when using and its related services.
Disclosure to OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES’ Contractors-Suppliers
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES operations and maintenance contractors/suppliers sometimes have limited access to Personal Information of users in the course of providing products or services to OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES. These contractors include vendors and suppliers that provide OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES with technology, services, and/or content related to better operation and maintenance of the OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tools. Access to your Personal Information by these contractors is limited to the information reasonably necessary for the contractor to perform its limited function for OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES. OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES also requires that its operations and maintenance contractors not use or disclose your Personal Information for any purpose other than providing us with products and services or as required by law. and We Thrive mobile application and related Oasis Medical Services’ Wellness services
Each time you voluntarily provide your Personal Information in connection with your use of one of the and We Thrive mobile application and related Oasis Medical Services’ Wellness services, OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES uses that information to provide you with personalized and wellness relevant information via your personalized Profile Page and throughout the services of and We Thrive mobile application. Only you, as the assigned user of your personalized Profile Page, have access to your personal and health information. In some cases the medical administrators and wellness care moderator who are assigned to your representing or affiliated organization may have access to some of your information and you may grant them access to all the health information and in some cases the medical administrators and wellness care moderator may contact you via internal messaging, phone, or email.
Changing Information
The OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tools allow you to correct, update or review some information you previously submitted for use with the OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tool. To do this, simply access your personalized Profile Page and easy-to-use functions will show you how to correct, update, or review your information.
How OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Protects Your Personal Information
In order to protect the security of Personal Information, OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES employs the following security procedures:
- The OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tools require passwords to authenticate users before granting access to Personal Information;
- OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES limits access to Personal Information to you, ITS LICENSORS, and any third-party vendor that provides services on behalf of the Program;
- OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES uses firewalls to protect information held in our servers;
- OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES maintains audit trails to track who has accessed your records; and
- OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES protects the physical security of OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES servers. OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES servers back up information to ensure information is not lost. The site maintains physical security through passcode locked door access and passes code authority.
Despite precautions, there is always some risk that an unauthorized third party may find a way to thwart security systems or that Personal Information transmitted over the Internet will be intercepted.
In certain limited circumstances OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES AND ITS LICENSORS may release your Personal Information, including Personal Health Information, to third parties in response to (i) a court order, search warrant, subpoena or other legal action that we reasonably deem to be valid; (ii) in special cases, such as in response to a physical threat to you or others, to protect property or defend or assert legal rights; or (iii) in connection with a corporate transaction or proceeding resulting in a transfer of the assets or line of business relating to such data. In the event that OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES AND ITS LICENSORS are legally compelled to disclose such Personal Information to a third party, OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES AND ITS LICENSORS will attempt to notify you unless doing so would violate the law or court order.
Changes to the OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Privacy Policy
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy, or any of its supplemental policies, at any time. You are responsible for checking this policy from time to time for updates.
Non-Material Changes — OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES may make non-material changes to the Privacy Policy that do not expand the permissible uses or disclosures of Personal Information or Personal Health Information. We may not notify you of such non-material changes.
Aggregate Information or Data: As a web site gathers individual pieces of non-Personal Information from its users, it may combine similar data from many or all the users of the web site into one big “batch.” For example, the site may add up the total number of people in Peoria, Illinois (but not their names) who are seeking information about weight loss and compare that to the number of people in Petaluma, California seeking the same information.
This sort of statistical information is called aggregate data because it reflects the habits and characteristics of a large group of anonymous people. Web sites may use aggregate data or share it with their business partners so that the information and services they provide best meet the needs of the users.
Non-Personal Information: Information that is not traceable back to any individual and cannot be used to identify an individual
Cookie: Small amounts of information passed between a web site and the web browser on the user’s computer that allow a user’s browser to “remember” that specific information later during visits to that web site, and that the web server can later retrieve.
Personal Information: Information that can be traced back to an individual (in contrast with Non-Personal Information and Aggregate Information). Examples of Personal Information include your name, home address, telephone number, email address, and identification number.
Personal Health Information: A special category of Personal Information that contains information about your health or medical information.
Third Party: Any entity other than OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES.
Licensors: Medical Firms licensing OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tool to use in managing a wellness program
Third Party Contractor or Supplier: A Third Party that serves content and/or services on this Portal that is served on web sites hosted by a company other than OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES.
Company: Contracts with OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES or ITS LICENSORS to manage wellness programs. No Personal Health Information is shared with the Company. Company may provide demographic downloads.
OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES Tool: Any Internet-based tool that collects Personal Information from employees or (their dependents) of an entity to which OASIS MEDICAL SERVICES or ITS LICENSORS may provide services.
‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services
and ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Program
‘‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services’ synonymous to ‘We Thrive Mobile application and’ are a mobile application and a mobile application and website owned and operated by Oasis Medical services as a public service wellness offering to facilitate the health and wellness empowerment of all its users. All the content, tools, activities and other offerings of the mobile application and website are called programs synonymous to ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Programs and are used to achieve the desired empowerment of users.
Release and waiver
By registering on the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services mobile application and website to participate in any ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program, I acknowledge that I am doing so voluntarily and with the understanding that ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services is not providing medical advice to me in connection with the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program. I understand that any activities, goals, or other information presented to me under the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program are not substitutes for a medical professional’s evaluation and treatment. I should obtain necessary medical advice about participation in the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program from my personal medical service providers.
By engaging with the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services mobile application and website and with any social media sharing tools or functions made available to me through such site, I understand that my use of such tools or functions is completely voluntarily. Further, I understand that if I choose to use the social media sharing tools or functions to share my ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services information on external mobile application and websites or to other individuals, I am responsible for the release of my ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services information. ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services is not responsible for the transmission of the information or use of the information on any external mobile application and website and ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services cannot retract or delete the information once it is released. I agree that it is my responsibility to understand social media sharing tools or sharing functions prior to my use and to remove any information I no longer wish to have shared.
I understand that regardless of my physical condition while engaged in the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program, certain elements of the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program may involve risk of injuries or aggravation of preexisting injuries, diseases, physical and mental conditions.
I fully accept all such risks resulting from engagement in the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program and hereby release and discharge ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands or causes of action which may arise from my engagement in the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program. This release of liability and waiver is intended to cover all acts or omissions of ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services even if such act or omission is the result of intentional, reckless, grossly negligent or negligent conduct.
I understand this Release and Waiver is contractual and not a mere recital. I have read it fully; I hereby acknowledge that I understand it, and I voluntarily accept it.
Program Rules and Parameters
- Authority and Modifications
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services has sole discretion in administering the program terms and conditions.
- A revised copy of the terms and conditions will be posted at the mobile application and website when any changes occur.
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services is not responsible for misinterpretation or lack of knowledge of terms or conditions.
- Accommodation for Member Disability
- If it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition for you to achieve the standards for the reward under this program, or if it is medically inadvisable for you to attempt to achieve the standards for the reward under this program, members may share suggestions with us and we will review it to develop other ways to qualify members of that type for similar rewards.
- Assumption of Risk
- Participation in ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services may include physical exercise, biometric testing, as well as other health, fitness and related activities. These activities may involve risks or otherwise not be appropriate for all persons.
- Recommendations given in ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services materials are for healthy, active individuals without cardiovascular heart disease, risk factors, or other contraindications to physical or mental exertion.
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services participants fully accept all risk and responsibility involved in engaging in ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services.
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services is not liable for any loss, injury, or other adverse events in connection with participation in any ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program.
- Before taking part in these challenges, tests or activities, consult with your healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and review of your present condition, and guidance in what tests and activities are safe and appropriate for you.
- Unfunded Activities
- Certain ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services activities and engagements have charges associated with them which may not be funded by ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services. Each user is expected to review each thoroughly and make the appropriate decision to participate consistent with the protection of their financial state.
- Earning ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and Badges
- For requirements and other stipulations regarding ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement and learning of ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and Badges, please review the descriptions of each specific activity. Terms and conditions specific to reward redemption and other ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services benefits are set forth in the applicable sections of this site.
- Where appropriate, the member must use the designated forms and supply all requested documentation in order for activities to be recognized. The member may need to provide his or her personal information, including legal means of identification to earn ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and Badges for certain activities.
- Unless stated otherwise for an activity, members may be asked to request ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points credit for ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement, or cite discrepancies related to such a request, within 30 days of completion of the activity. ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services does not recognize requests for engagement activities beyond 30 days from their completion.
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement will be credited only to the account of the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services member completing the activity.
- The member is responsible for ensuring that ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement and any ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and Badges are appropriately awarded. If a member believes that ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement has been earned but not properly credited, he or she may be required to submit documentation or other proofs satisfactory to ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services. Please allow up to two weeks from submission for most activities to be credited.
- Wellness Points and other benefits
- Accrued Wellness Points and other rewards and benefits are not transferable and may not be combined among members, or be transferred to the member’s estate, successor or assign unless explicitly written and allowed.
- A member forfeits all benefits under ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services immediately upon termination from ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services.
- Wellness Points and benefits do not constitute property of the member.
- Right to Revoke
- Oasis Medical Services and it’s authorized agents are the final authority on qualification for ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services engagement and rewarding of ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and Badges, and reserves the right to deny or revoke ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points, Badges, ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Status,Rewards or other awards at any time if ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services determines that such credit was improperly given.
- Oasis Medical Services periodically conducts random checks to confirm the accuracy of information received. Submission of incorrect or inaccurate information may result in the member not earning or the removal of ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Points and badges.
- No Retroactive Upgrade
- Upgrades in benefits tied to a ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Status and Rank are effective on the date of upgrade to that Wellness Status.
- A member’s ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Status and Rank cannot be retroactively upgraded.
- Benefits correspond to a member’s ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Wellness Status and Rank at the time of redemption, without any retrospective adjustment for subsequent ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Wellness Status and Rank upgrade.
- Tax Information
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services does not provide tax reporting to the Tax Administration, other agencies, or members. It is the responsibility of the member to determine tax responsibilities, if any, for rewards or other benefits received under ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services.
Limitation of Liability
The Rewards Redemption Partners on this mobile application and website are independent contractors and not agent or employees of ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services. ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services hereby disclaims any liability, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, including without limitation liability for any direct, punitive, special, consequential, incidental or indirect damages, in connection with the goods or services provided by any Reward Redemption Partner through the Site, including without limitation liability for any act, error, omission, injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be incurred through the fault, negligence or otherwise, of such Reward Redemption Partner and you hereby exonerate ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services from any liability with respect to the same.
‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Rewards and Redemption
The following terms and conditions apply to ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Rewards and their redemption. Rewards merchants may have additional policies, terms, and conditions, which will be disclosed separately on the merchant’s mobile application and website. Please review the merchant mobile application and website for these complete details.
The following terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
- Wellness Points and Pricing
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Rewards prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Wellness Points and Rewards are non-transferable and may not be combined among members(unless explicitly written), estates, successors and assigns Wellness Points are void and all eligibility for reward redemption ends immediately upon a member’s or sponsor’s termination from the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program Individuals are responsible for funding the full cost of any rewards redeemed after the effective date of his or her termination from ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services, even if such termination is retroactive
- ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Reward Eligibility
- Only the principal ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services member may conduct ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Reward transactions
- Members must have a ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Rank of Newbie or higher to redeem rewards
- Members must submit a valid email address, correct date of birth and gender to redeem a reward. An order confirmation will be made to this email
- Violation of these conditions may result in forfeiture of Wellness Points and termination from the ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services program
- Refund/Exchange and Shipping/Delivery
- Unless stated explicitly otherwise, ‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services Rewards are not eligible for return or refund
- Members should refuse acceptance of shipments which are visibly damaged or defective
- Some items and merchandise may not be eligible for shipment to P.O., A.P.O or F.P.O boxes
- Shipping or delivery costs, unless explicitly written are the sole responsibility of the Rewards receiver.
‘We Thrive’ or Essential Medical Services is not responsible for replacing shipments made to invalid or incorrectly supplied addresses.