It is said that feeling gratitude but not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it or getting a present and not opening it. For various reasons, we often don’t express gratitude to those who deserve our thanks. We at times assume they already know how much we appreciate them. We felt that they were only doing the expectations for their role or job. We planned to but somehow never got around to it. Too much time has passed and we feel embarrassed by our forgetfulness. For this week’s Gratitude Recharge Experience think of and remember a time [recent or far] in your life when you were grateful for something that another person did for you and then write a note or letter of deep appreciation to that person.
As early as you can today, take a few moments to reflect n this:
Can you think of someone who has contributed positively to your life, especially someone you may have not yet adequately expressed thanks to? Take a few minutes to write a brief note or letter of appreciation to him/her.
Repeat daily for at least 5 days this week
Be Well & Be Grateful