Power-Up Quote to live and lead by:
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer
Can You Level-up Your Kindness?
Kindness has been defined in many ways but the truth is kindness means different things to different people and we all express kindness in our own way. Being kind for some comes naturally, there is no off or on button that is used to determine when to be kind. On the opposite end of the spectrum there are those who have to constantly remind themselves to be kind.
Do you know where you fall on the spectrum ?
In this very moment can you think of the people who have been kind to you in your life? What about those that you have been kind to, or even what inspires you to be kind?
As you go through this week, try to consciously be kind to those you encounter and to those around you. A simple act of kindness can have a positive impact on someone’s day, and with these challenging times that we are living through, it could mean a matter of life and death for some.
Practicing Kindness
Get a jar, document all the acts of kindness you’ve done so far on paper, when you have completed that task, keep the paper strips in the jar and tuck it away. You can start adding to it – always look for an opportunity to give back!