Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) is March 22-28, 2021. NDAFW is a national health observance linking teens to science-based facts to SHATTER THE MYTHS about drugs!
Why is Drug and Alcohol Facts Week important?
One of the most important things you can do to celebrate NDAFW is to get educated on the facts! Below are a few of our top resources to help you become familiar with important drug facts in two areas where we focus most of our prevention efforts: underage drinking and opioids.
How to observe Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
- Host your own NDAFW event using this online planning guide and register it here
- Get ideas for activities and toolkits
- Play Kahoot! games with your group virtually or encourage students to play the games individually
- Facilitate the Drug Facts Challenge!, an interactive, Jeopardy-style game using scientific facts about the brain and addiction, marijuana, vaping and more
- Order free materials on drugs and drug abuse to support your NDAFW efforts
- Utilize NIDA’s Mind Matters series as a resource for raising awareness about various drugs
Each of us is responsible for stopping deaths and injuries on the job. As governments we are responsible for providing the infrastructure — laws and services — necessary to ensure that workers remain employable and that enterprises flourish; this includes the development of a national policy and programme and a system of inspection to enforce compliance with occupational safety and health legislation and policy. As employers, we are responsible for ensuring that the working environment is safe and healthy. As workers we are responsible to work safely and protecting ourselves and not to endanger others, knowing our rights, and participate in the implementation of preventive measures.
When workers aren’t alert to their surroundings because they are burned out, they are at an increased risk of having a work-related illness or injury. To stay fresh on the job, take regular breaks. Consider scheduling your most difficult jobs when you first arrive on the job. You will stay more alert.
Participate with GUIDE:
Underage Drinking
- Save Brains
- What is Alcohol?
- What You Need to Know About Addiction and the Brain
- Rethinking Drinking
- Myths and Realities of Underage Drinking
- Underage Drinking
- Teens and Alcohol
- The Opioid Epidemic: What You Need to Know
- Raising Awareness: Opioid Overdose Facts
- Taking Prescription Opioids: Myths and Facts
- Overdoses, Naloxone and the Georgia 911 Medical Amnesty Law
- E-cigarettes and Vaping
- Tobacco-Free Babies
- Marijuana… It’s more harmful than you think!
- Teen Marijuana Use
- Ending Tobacco Use
Mental Health
Reference Sites
- UN and other international NGO
- Non-Profits website for the observance
- Drugabuse.gov | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)